& Sports

Analyse your team from an aerial point of view or capture it for entertainment. Drones provide a different perspective.

SHOOTS & SCORESCapture the Motion
of Sports

For sports enthusiasts, there’s nothing more exciting than athletes playing their favorite game. The sight of the field, rink, or golf course initiates the thrill and anticipation. This can provide some amazing photographic opportunities.
Our aerial photography & film service can capture these special moments and compliment any footage captured on the ground.
"Mavic Pro" aerial drone photo of "Ashton Gate Stadium" in Ashton Gate, Bristol
"DJI Mavic 2 Pro" aerial drone photo of "Hydrock" employee on a quadbike in a field at corporate event in almondsbury bristol
"Mavic 2 Pro" aerial drone photo of inflatable obstacle course in field at "Hydrock" corporate event in almondsbury bristol
"Mavic 2 Pro" aerial drone photo of "Hydrock" employees playing arrow tag at corporate event in almondsbury bristol

TEAM DYNAMICSCorporate Events

Many businesses & corporations put a lot of emaphsis on making sure their employees are happy, cooperate well together and provide a great place to work. One way to achieve this, is by taking time out of the office to build team spirits, reward successes and thus improving team dynamics.
Capturing these moments from an aerial perspective are simply a must. Those who have participated will think back fondly of this time when seeing the footage. It can also be used for recruitment and promotion videos to show off what a great place your business is to work.
Don’t underestimate the benefits of taking time out of the office to build team spirit, reward success and improve team dynamics. We offer unique experiences for small or large teams, either as a one-off activity or a regular programme to address key goals.

ADRENALINEUnique Opporunities
& Experiences

Certain events & entertainment just need to be captured in a multitude of ways, as they are once in a lifetime events, such as supercar driving, tank driving, adventure and many other experiences.
Aerial footage can assist with these moments and provide great memories.
"Mavic 2 Pro" aerial drone photo of a tank driving on a sand track at "Juniper Leisure, Tank Driving" in Winchester
© 2014- - Bristol Drones Ltd (Reg: 8930973) | t/a Bath Drones Ltd (Reg: 9367636) - Other names, brands and logos may be claimed as the property of others. | Policies & Terms of Use